Timmy Nguyen Currently pursuing UNLV B.A of Computer Science Passionate for web technologies and user interaction.


Site Redesigns and Remakes

A series of website I try to recreate to develope my layout skills and an understanding of css properties. A great practice for me to get use to using SASS and React.


Code and Learn

Built using Ruby on Rails, this project was my first project using a framework. The goal of the site is to provide curated resources for beginners to learn programming :) *This website takes a long time to load due to being hosted on heroku free tier !

GitHub Website

Hacktoberfest Sign In

I did this project during the Digital Ocean 2017 Hacktoberfest event. Since I am still inexperienced, I wanted to create a simple project for other beginners to learn and practice pulling a repo. The project ended up having over 1,500 pull requests.

GitHub Website

Cherry One

A korean fashion mock e-commerce site. This project uses only the basics of HTML and CSS using Bootstrap. Here I explore how to layout a site and played with the many features of Bootstrap.


Moo Color

Moo Color is a simple color generator. Here I practice my JavaScript skills and CSS Media Queries.

GitHub Website

Ani Gif

Ani Gif is a gif generator using the Giphy API. Here I continue to practice my CSS and learn more about apis.

GitHub Website

BitCoin Tracker

BitCoin Tracker displays the current bitcoin price as well as past prices in a given month.

GitHub Website


A simple quote generator.

GitHub Website

Bored as FAQ

This is a project I did for giggles with friends lol. I pulled the comics from the xKCD API and used PaperCSS for the site styling.

GitHub Website


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Ruby
  • Python


Watched a lot of anime.
Loves to learn and try new things.